#43 A CFO PERSPECTIVE ON PARENTAL LEAVE – does it pay off? – with Markus Lueger
#42 PERSONAL BRANDING – become your own brand ambassador, with Dr. Irène Kilubi
#41 Leading Mothers: the power of parenting with Anette Lippert
The golden or the Baby-Bermuda Triangle? Balancing working models, care work & mental load
#40 Life hacks from our peers: the importance of Real World Role Models
#39 Equal Care - Why should I care?
Unlock practical insights and see what leaders recommend: How to build a diverse company that people want to work for
Who said that crafting is a mother's job and earning money is the father's?
#38 Creating work environments that work for all - with Lea Haep
Powerhouse: Getting top female leaders together is the absolute energy booster
#37 CARING IS SHARING - Why Equal Care matters with Almut Schnerring
Paternity Leave = free brain training programme for dads
#36 PARENTING POWER - Why putting shoes on a toddler is a leadership skill for the future, with Christina Sontheim-Leven
A Christmas story- how the Grinch stole New Work
Being everywhere & doing everything all at once - and all just before Christmas
#35 TWO TO TANGO - The magic of working in Tandem, with Nina Gillmann
Parental leave is still a career dealbreaker?
Elternzeit Upgrade - Ricarda Engelmeier zu Gast im Future Family Podcast
I want more!
An action-packed day for woman leadership - it's like meeting your Linkedin bubble in 3D