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Exciting News! 🚀

As of March 1, 2025, Barbara Quentin, founder of Karriere mit Familie, continues the mission of MyCollective. With two former MyCollective team members joining her team, they will continue to offer the established services and strategically expand them - driven by the same passion and commitment to supporting companies and parents alike.

The Parental Leave Program from Karriere mit Familie Powered by MyCollective


A win win situation for companies and employees

Companies that support employees during and after parental leave benefit from higher retention, a future-ready talent pipeline, and a strong, family-friendly employer brand. At the same time, parents can turn parental leave from a ‘career downer’ into a ‘career booster’ by transferring their parenting skills to the business world.

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All in one App

Parental leave: The key to retaining and developing your best employees.

Satisfied Corporate Customers:


The App-based Parental Leave Program at a Glance

The parental leave program consists of a community program and a leadership program. With the Community Program, we support ALL employees during their parental leave to ensure a smooth return to work. For parents with management responsibility or high performers or high potentials, we also offer individual support in the leadership program with training in small groups and 1:1 coaching.

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Benefits for Participants

  • Development of personal reconciliation solutions

  • Building a network with like-minded people

  • Transferring parenting skills to the professional (management) role

  • Sharpening professional positioning and motivation

Benefits for Companies

  • Achieving diversity goals by retention of talent pipeline  

  • Smooth re-entry after parental leave

  • Increasing the attractiveness of the employer

  • Strengthening the family-friendly corporate culture

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Our Trainer and Coach Competence Team

#family-friendly employer

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Success Stories and Testimonials

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Analyst Market Intelligence
Henkel AG

"The parental leave training and coaching program helped me to recognize my parenting skills as valuable strengths in my professional life. By exchanging ideas with other parents, I was able to gain new perspectives and build a supportive network. Through program support and 1:1 coaching, I was able to recognize my needs, values and priorities in order to confidently and successfully return to work after parental leave."

"Career coaching helped me to identify my strengths more clearly and to target my professional goals. Through coaching, I not only developed a clear strategy for my application, but also received valuable impulses for my personal development. Tips on how I can use AI effectively for my applications were enormously helpful. They made my application process more efficient and targeted."  

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Private Customer Advisor
VR Bank

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Head of Global Tax Ops
Henkel AG

“The most valuable aspect of the training was the opportunity to exchange ideas with other parents and share practical tips and strategies. In addition, the comprehensive manual was a great help in organizing thoughts and gaining more clarity in advance. It was extremely valuable to gain insights not only into preparing for returning to work, but also into organizing everyday family life.”  

Scenarios: Parental Leave

My programs aim to turn parental leave into a career boost.

Let's transform parental leave into a strategic advantage!

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Johanna Buss
Key Account Manager

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Talk to you soon!

My Vision 2030:

Family-friendly companies are the new normal!

With my work, I support a family-friendly working environment as the “new normal”.


The harmonious combination of work and family creates a WIN WIN WIN situation:


  • WIN for companies: Competitive advantage through increased skills and employee retention, actively using parental skills in leadership roles, increasing employer attractiveness.


  • WIN for specialists and managers: use a future-oriented attitude and decisions with a view to the next generation for company success.


  • WIN for our society: sustainable, successful company management through the attitude of “people at the center” and life phase-conscious living and working.

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